Register and Create an Account :
Register and create a new account on the Beehive Albania application portal.
- Log In and Complete Your Application :
Log in to the portal to complete your application and upload the following documents:- Coloured passport copy
- Coloured Residency Visa copy (front & back) - if applicable.
- Colored ID copy (front & back) - if applicable.
- Coloured passport type photo
- Final high school transcripts.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Professional exposure certificate (internship or work experience)
Application Submission :
After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to pay the application fee (€50 including VAT).
Additional Requirement for International Students :
International students residing on campus must submit a Certified Police Clearance/Criminal Status Certificate issued by their country, confirming good conduct. This certificate must be translated into Albanian or English by a certified translation company if it is in any other language.